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versión On-line ISSN 2078-8606


Tabla de contenido v.1 n.1  enero/mar. 2010

A review of clinical trials of treatments for visceral leishmaniasis in the Indian subcontinent (India, Bangladesh and Nepal)
Cheeran, Messiah M; Sundar, Shyam; Rijal, Sumar; Faiz, Abul; Millet, Pascal; Olliaro, Piero L

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Dengue outbreak response: documented effective interventions and evidence gaps
Pilger, Daniel; De Maesschalck, Mark; Horstick, Olaf; San Martin, Jose Luis

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Insecticide resistance in dengue vectors
Ranson, Hilary; Burhani, Joseph; Lumjuan, Nongkran; Black IV, William C

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Review of delivery strategies for insecticide treated mosquito nets: are we ready for the next phase of malaria control efforts?
Kilian, Albert; Wijayanandana, Nayantara; Ssekitoleeko, James

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How pro-poor are infectious disease programmes?
Thiede, Michael H.; Castillo-Riquelme, Marianela

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